Made From An Ancient Craft
Cloisonne urns are made from a celebrated, ancient Chinese process that combines the sturdiness of metal with the flexibility and individual beauty of ceramic pottery. In a nutshell, the building process of cloisonné urns involves molding an armature out of a sturdy metal, attaching a wire design to that sculpture, and then filling in the compartments created by the wire with ceramic enamel. The cloisonné urns are then fired in a kiln, and then the surface is ground down, to reveal the pattern created by the colorful enamel and wire. The result is a beautiful cloisonné urn.

This unique process makes cloisonné urns the perfect centerpieces for any memorial service. These urns are often displayed during a funeral or in a niche, forever protecting and preserving the final essence of a lost individual.
Cloisonne urns are particularly appropriate for memorializing loved-ones because they offer a number of different designs, in a large variety of color palettes. The most popular design often seen on these vessels is a floral motif. These urns can feature flowers and leafs in a similar color pallete or diverse flowers (both type and color) against a contrasting background. While this is a very traditional design for cloisonne urns, lately abstract patterns or even scenic designs have become more popular. These can offer families a way to capture a unique individuals personality in a way that brings comfort to grieving families.
Cloisonne urns have a delicate appearance, but offer surprising sturdiness due to their metal interiors. If dropped, they may incur surface damage, but will often stay intact, unlike glass or ceramic urns. Cloisonné urns, when properly cared for, will last for generations as gorgeous centerpieces to touching memorial displays. Being made of a number of materials that can survive the elements, cloisonné urns can keep memories alive for centuries.

Archeologists have found cloisonné urns dating back to at least the time of the ancient Greeks, and archeologists will surely uncover cloisonné urns for centuries to come. Protected by a cloisonné urn, a loved-one’s memories can last about as long as the Earth itself. It is for this reason that cloisonné urns may be most attractive for those wanting to preserve their loved-one’s legacy for as long as possible.
Cloisonné urns are commonly found in a vase shape, like that of a traditional urn. With this shape, cloisonné urns allow families to participate in the centuries of traditions that urns have inspired. The traditional urn’s shape, for example, has brought forth a number of great literary works, including John Keats’s “Ode to a Grecian Urn,” which classically relates the unique décor of almost every funeral urn ever made to mankind’s eternal struggles with mortality. (That poem, by the way, is said to not be about one particular urn, so it could very well apply to a cloisonné urn as to any other style of urn.)
The timeless production process make cloisonné urns are a fine, popular choice for people who want a beautiful, elegant, memorial that will assure a loved-one’s memory will last for generations to come.