What Urn Should I Get for My Loved One?
If you are thinking of buying an expensive casket and possibly a headstone after your loved one’s passing and you believe that he or she would have wanted you to spend your money elsewhere, then buying urns for ashes, which are comparably cheaper, might be a bit more appealing to you.
Urns for ashes can sometimes cost hundreds or thousands of dollars less than caskets and headstones. When you consider funeral costs, inheritance taxes, and medical bills, it could be well worth your while to consider urns for ashes. Your loved one surely would have wanted you to enjoy all that you could of what you inherited from him or her, the fruits of a lifetime of labor. Surely he or she would not have wanted you to spend it all on burial and end of life arrangements. Urns for ashes can also come in a number of attractive designs. Many opt for a wooden urn that can be environmentally friendly, and replenish the cycle of nature. Another factor of these urns as well is that you purchase them with a picture of your loved one on the front. However, these urns for ashes are by no means the only ones to choose from.
Other urns for ashes that appeal to many people are ceramic urns. With an appearance like that of a Faberge egg, these urns for ashes say style and class. You will be in awe of the bright color designs these urns for ashes have, and your loved one will surely appreciate it from beyond the grave. Marble urns for ashes retain the beauty of ceramic urns, but are a bit stronger. These would be the kinds of urns for ashes you could either leave at the headstone, or keep at your house. Either way, they also come in many appealing, earth-tone colors, such as grey, pink, and green.
Like everything bronze, bronze urns for ashes have the appeal of having an artistic quality about them. Many bronze urns for ashes also come with a sculpture on top of them, perhaps of Jesus, or an angel. These urns would be great to place alongside your loved one’s headstone, and are just as sure to draw much attention from passersby at the cemetery. They will want to get bronze urns for ashes themselves so that everyone will recognize the sophistication that their loved ones had in their own lives.
There is also such a thing as keepsake urns for ashes. These can include key chains, charms, bracelets, and other jewelry. If you want to take a piece of your loved one around with you wherever you go, and perhaps you feel like your loved one is not finished speaking to you, keepsake urns for ashes are your best bet. Those who purchase keepsake urns for ashes would say that, like a lucky charm, a piece of their departed loved ones just keeps them on the straight and narrow in life, causing them to stop and think “What would my loved one do in this situation? He or she was right on many other issues, so he or she would probably be right now. I’ll do that.”
Some even decide to get keepsake urns for ashes after their pets die. Those who purchase these urns for ashes however would say that everyone mourns the loss of a furry friend, and they just choose to do so in a way to where they will keep a piece of them around. Perhaps those who purchase keepsake urns for ashes may be right in wanting keepsake urns, as a visible symbol of the time well spent with their dog “Scrappy,” or their cat “Buttons.” An up and coming style of urns for ashes is the cloisonné urn. These urns for ashes are colored with a decorative Chinese calligraphy, with images such as flowers, water lilies, and intricate leaves. It is even possible to purchase companion urns for ashes. With these urns, the ashes of two of your loved ones can be together for all eternity. In the end, there are many urns for ashes to choose from. You need only decide which urn best fits your loved one’s personality.